Monday, May 14, 2012

2nd, 3rd and 4th shows....

 This is my sweet boy Elias vom Hagedorn. He was the star at the kitten show and walked off with all these rosettes.
He was 12th best Kitten at the All Breeds show.

Reclining on my Nguni rug with his recycled rosettes from the BRS show. The rosettes were made from recycled cat food bags.
Elias was BEST Medium hair kitten! I was soooo proud of him.

Cessi, my silver from Canada, got Grand Champion on her first outing and Ulaika also received 2 firsts.

Elias is such a lover boy and a "Schmuse Katze". He kisses the judge on the nose and gets the Judges favourite award! the last picture, he is second best Adult male Medium hair cat at his first show as an Adult, at only 9 months of age!